Kate & Brandon

August 3, 2024 • Newport, WA, USA

Kate & Brandon

August 3, 2024 • Newport, WA, USA

Wedding Party

Kimberly Roullier - Maid of honor
Kim has been my best friend for over a decade. She is also my sister. I couldn’t honestly ask for a better best friend in life. I know, without a doubt I would not be the woman. I am today without such a strong woman by my side. She is literally a godsend.
Tammie Hildreth - Bridesmaid
Tammie has been one of my best friends since I was a young teenage girl. it does not matter how much time in between that we talk or see each other we always pick up right where we left off. I’m so lucky to have her as a lifelong friend.
Mary Loisate - Bridesmaid
Mary has been another one of my closest and best friends for over a decade. She is absolutely someone I can count on in any situation and I absolutely adore her.
Serenity Hutsell - Bridesmaid
Serenity is my stepdaughter. I am absolutely blessed to have such an amazing wonderful and beautiful addition to my family. I honestly think of her as my daughter and I don’t like the term step. When it comes to her and her children, I love her just as much as my biological children and I feel like she is just a huge blessing and addition to our lives.
Katie Mullenix - Bridesmaid
Katie is not only one of my best friends, but she is family and the godmother to my children. I have known her for decades and can honestly say she is absolutely hands-down one of the realist and most amazing people you will ever meet not to mention absolutely hilarious. She definitely brings a lot of light to mine in my children’s lives. God definitely knew I needed her when he brought us to each other.
Jamie Koonts - Bridesmaid
Jamie and I have a special bond and an unbreakable one at that. We have had to co-parent as some of our kiddos share the same father and we really needed and were there for one another through some really hard times. She definitely will always hold a special place in my heart!!!
Lindsey Anderson - Bridesmaid
Lindsey is my soon to be sister-in-law. And another added bonus to Brandon and my marriage. Super happy to have her as a new addition in my family.
Shelly - Bridesmaid
Shelly I hope and pray will someday be my sister-in-law. She is such an amazing and wonderful woman and I could not ask for a better woman to be with my brother. I absolutely think the world of her she is such a beautiful woman inside and out. I already consider her sister in law. And I’m so happy that she is a part of our lives.
Kenda Gibson - Flower girl
Kenda is the youngest of my girls. She is one of the most creative kiddos, I know, and she is got a heart of gold. She is feisty and she definitely sets her sights on what she wants and goes for it. I have no doubt that she will move mountains in her lifetime.
Alexis Hutsell - Flower girl
Alexis is one of my bonus granddaughters. She is super energetic, full of hugs and I absolutely adore her.
Lincoln Gibson - Ring Bearer
Lincoln is my baby, my last born, & my little love bug. Although all of my boys are mom’s boys, he definitely holds me the closest. This kid positively knows that he is a rockstar and he is good at everything he does if you ask him he is the best at it and I support that 100%.
Dayton Gibson - Wedding security
Dayton is my oldest son, he has an absolute heart of gold that he wears on his sleeve at all times. He is honestly just the best kid ever. I can honestly say that he is one of the smartest and most talented kids. I know as well. He is definitely going to do big things in life.
Bentley Gibson - Wedding security
Bentley is my middle son who is just full of light and love and he is the most athletic child I’ve ever met. he is absolutely authentic and everything that he does and he is full of surprises. He definitely keeps me on my toes, but he amazes me every day at the same time. The sky definitely has no limits for this kid.